The Trust Her Clinic Finder helps identify health centers and providers in Dallas County you can visit for family planning care like birth control and contraceptive counseling, or prenatal care if you’re pregnant or trying to become pregnant.

It was created by:

CPAL is a nonprofit organization that seeks systems-level change for the good of Dallas kids and their families. We do this by:

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    Generating data insights to break big problems into small, actionable ones;
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    Facilitating cross-sector, collective action based on data insights;
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    Inspiring and mobilizing advocates;
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    Optimizing local, state, and federal resources;
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    Infusing innovation into the social sector.
We primarily work across six areas: benefits delivery, reproductive and maternal health, housing, prenatal-3 care, incarceration, and trauma prevention.
Trust Her is the programmatic arm of CPAL's reproductive and maternal health strategy. Trust Her works to optimize our systems along a woman's entire healthcare journey. This means ensuring women can access their preferred method of contraception without barriers so they can time their pregnancies for when they are ready, to building out resources and clinical support for moms during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

Women report that contraception helps them achieve their goals for education, financial stability, career growth, and family success.